Something magical is happening at the bottom of the garden... The Curlimal friends are dreaming of a special child to care for them! These fantastic toy pets move, talk and respond to touch: woodland creatures with adorable features! Bibi, Higgle and Blue delight and enchant children from the second they meet! Each one is a lovable animal that makes the sweetest sounds – and reacts to you! Pat their heads and these cute, talking buddies giggle, curl up and make funny noises – but that’s not all! Bibi Bunny has her own unique noises. Stroke her fluffy fur and she sings happily. Touch the top of Bibi’s head to activate sound effects and movements! Her range of super-cute spoken phrases include “I love you!”, “Hug me!” and “You’re my bestie!” Bibi also makes yawning noises – and there’s more…Pet Bibi to get even more reactions. She hiccups, sneezes – and sometimes burps! Tickle her tummy and Bibi laughs with delight. She also says, “Byeee!” and curls into a ball before making gentle sleeping noises. The range of noises Curlimals make encourages young children to really look after their cheeky forest friends.